New procedure SciFailures

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Is this a collaboration? Add up to two colleagues as authors! Just use their ORCID to add them as co-authors.

Insert up to six keywords related to your procedure. E.g. "Suzuki coupling".

You must enter a keyword before adding a new one.

If you are using chemical drawing software (ChemDraw or ChemSketch), we recommend that you export an SVG image to ensure correct scaling and visualisation.
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Which are the main species involved in your reaction? It will help other scientists locate those procedures related to their research.



CAS Registry Numer

SMILES Notation

CAS Registry Numer

SMILES Notation



CAS Registry Numer

SMILES Notation

CAS Registry Numer

SMILES Notation



To increase the visibility of your procedure, we encourage you to add not only the name of the compound but also the CAS Registry Number (if available) and the SMILES Notation (as an easy and universal way of referring to chemical compounds).

If you don't know what SMILES Notation is or how to get it, don't worry! In most molecule drawing software, getting it is as simple as drawing your structure and clicking a button. We made some instructions for ChemDraw and ChemSketch.

If you need more space to describe your procedure, you can drag this down  

Title Prefix Icon
Additional information will be available for everyone to download. You can add anything you think is useful: NMR, UV-visible, IR spectra; voltammograms, chromatograms and much more! You can upload images, documents and spreadsheets. Don't worry! Files in other formats can also be submitted as zip compressed files.
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Is this procedure linked to a publication? If it is included in one or was discarded from one, you can link it simply by using the DOI!

If the procedure is anonymous, it will be visible to everyone, but it won't appear on your profile (only to you). However, you can change the visibility at any time.